Friday, April 6, 2018

Pros and Cons of Digital Scrapbooking

For those of you that are a little on the fence about digital scrapbooking, this one is for you. We have done tons of research and played with the new digital programs and have the rundown for you.

We all know how relaxing it can be to sit with our scrapbooking tools, paper, embellishments and photos and play with our ideas until they are right. Although, at the end we have to clean up the mess, or even share our favorite scissors with a scrapping mate.

When you are scrapbooking digitally, you are able to change the size, shape and color of every piece to make it exactly what you want without having to run out to the store to find just the right thing. Nor do you have to worry about running out of the certain embellishment that you absolutely love, because you have an endless supply in your tools and embellishment downloads right in your work space. The down side is that you don't get the depth on the pages that you would normally get from traditional pages.

The newest way to scrapbook is called Hybrid scrapping. This is when you print your pages that you have made digitally and add your embellishments to the already completed pages to add the depth that you want.

Want to learn more? Click here to read more. Happy Scrapping!

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