Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has been following us here on blogger! The semester is winding down, and we are done posting for Full of Scrap.

We will not be pulling anything off of the site but no new information will be posted. So, if you are following us, feel free to un-follow us. We are happy to say that this experience has been enlightening to say the least.

We have created an app and you can download it for free from this link: Here

From the app you are able to see our hours, location, Facebook and Twitter posts.

Thank you again for watching, liking and engaging with us! You are what helps us learn for the future en devours of our lives and careers!

Farewell for now!

Kari - Full of Scrap

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Coming up With New Ideas

Sometimes, coming up with new ideas is the hardest part of scrapbooking. We have some tips that can help you find new ideas and also where to find some ideas when you have exhausted all of yours. 

Inside the Full of Scrap store, we have designated a corner of out store just to ideas. We have collected thousands of different page ideas and have them in our "Idea Corner" for you to sit and look through. When you can sit with a cup of coffee and look through ideas with no pressure.

But what if you can't get into the store? Well, we have the solution for that one too. Our Facebook page is adding ideas on it. Or you can search the web for new ideas. There are thousands of websites that can give you the inspiration that you need to find the perfect page layout you are looking for.

Here are a few links that might help you find what you need, and Full of Scrap Staff is always ready to help.
Pinterest - Favorite Scrapbooking 
Scrapbook.com - Layouts
DIY - Carfts and Ideas

Friday, April 13, 2018

Cloud saving

Recently we, at Full of Scrap, have been doing a lot of research on saving digital scrapbooks. Even when we are scrapbooking digitally we want to make sure that our pages are safe, just like using acid free material while traditional scrapbooking. There is no right or wrong way to save your work as long as you are able to see it year after year.

The hard part about using external hard drives and thumb drives is that, we have no way of knowing how long we will be using the technology in order to view the pages that have been created.

While using cloud storage we are able to save from anywhere, and at the same time we are able to view from anywhere as well. The ideas of cloud storage is a great way to keep updating the formatting of your work so that is always able to be viewed. But, with every up-side there is a down side. What happens if the time limits run out? Or what if you forget or can't pay the cloud fees? This is where reading the fine print on your subscriptions is important.

USA Today has a great story about what is best for saving with technology. Click here to connect to them.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Pros and Cons of Digital Scrapbooking

For those of you that are a little on the fence about digital scrapbooking, this one is for you. We have done tons of research and played with the new digital programs and have the rundown for you.

We all know how relaxing it can be to sit with our scrapbooking tools, paper, embellishments and photos and play with our ideas until they are right. Although, at the end we have to clean up the mess, or even share our favorite scissors with a scrapping mate.

When you are scrapbooking digitally, you are able to change the size, shape and color of every piece to make it exactly what you want without having to run out to the store to find just the right thing. Nor do you have to worry about running out of the certain embellishment that you absolutely love, because you have an endless supply in your tools and embellishment downloads right in your work space. The down side is that you don't get the depth on the pages that you would normally get from traditional pages.

The newest way to scrapbook is called Hybrid scrapping. This is when you print your pages that you have made digitally and add your embellishments to the already completed pages to add the depth that you want.

Want to learn more? Click here to read more. Happy Scrapping!