Saturday, March 3, 2018

Acid Free Scrapbooking

We are always getting questions about acid and what it does to our pages. Well, what acid will do to pages is simple, they turn yellow when you use paper or embellishments with acid in them. A big part of the page that most people don't think to look at is their adhesive. Whether you use glue, dots, roller tape, spray adhesive or a combination of any of these, they too can turn your pages yellow. 
All is not lost, there are products and sprays that you can purchase  and lightly mist over your completed pages or over the embellishment that you may not know if it is acid free or not. By spraying the pages, at the very least, you are protecting the acid from causing damage to your photo memories. 
For more ideas to scrapbook without the use of acid papers and embellishments, you can read more at this article: The ultimate guide to acid free scrapbooking 

1 comment:

  1. Great read - Thanks Kari! Have you had good luck with a specific preserving spray?
