Friday, March 30, 2018

Are you using to many embellishments?

Many of us tend to get carried away when we are using embellishments. So many of them are super cute, and we just can’t help but to use to many on one page. So, what can we do to not use to many? Well, one way to save our pages from over-crowding, is to space out our images and information over a few pages instead of one page. Although, sometimes that is just not realistic. We need to set a “limit” for ourselves, and there really isn’t a magic number that says what is too much and what is not enough.

We, at Full of Scrap recommend that you should start by:

1.      Laying out your page first, so that you are able to change things and move it around until it is right.
2.      Start with only one or two embellishments, add where necessary.
3.      Don’t glue or adhesive anything until you know that you have it right!
4.      Once you love the layout #SaveForever  Glue it down!

Here is also an article that gives you some more guidelines for using embellishments.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Music in schools month

As funds get cut and budgets get tighter, schools are faced with tough decisions about how to fund programs and departments in our schools. Sadly, music is a typical area that is faced with huge budget cuts and lack of funding for our children to learn an amazing set of skills and talents.

Not only is music an amazing outlet for our children, it also helps teach them how to lead, follow directions, and force themselves to push forward and to be the best that they can be. Music teaches children about the history, interpretation of the time period, and the feeling of the beat and harmony.

So next time a music club asks you to buy some baked goods, a savings card, or some other fundraiser, support their education and keep music in our schools!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Adhesives, what's new?

We get the question all of the time, "What kind of adhesive should I use?" Well, there is no short answer, and it all depends on what you are trying to stick to what. There are lots of new and old adhesives that work amazingly. After a quick look around an isle in a craft store, like Full of scrap, you would be able to see that there is an adhesive that claims to be the best of the best for adhesive.
We would to give you all the advice to talk to someone in your favorite store, like Full of Scrap, in order to find the best adhesive for you project.

Our biggest recommendations for adhesives are: Glue dots, tape rollers, and spray adhesives. 
But you can check out this article, by, to get an idea of what would be best to use for the adhesives that you have on hand. 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Acid Free Scrapbooking

We are always getting questions about acid and what it does to our pages. Well, what acid will do to pages is simple, they turn yellow when you use paper or embellishments with acid in them. A big part of the page that most people don't think to look at is their adhesive. Whether you use glue, dots, roller tape, spray adhesive or a combination of any of these, they too can turn your pages yellow. 
All is not lost, there are products and sprays that you can purchase  and lightly mist over your completed pages or over the embellishment that you may not know if it is acid free or not. By spraying the pages, at the very least, you are protecting the acid from causing damage to your photo memories. 
For more ideas to scrapbook without the use of acid papers and embellishments, you can read more at this article: The ultimate guide to acid free scrapbooking