Friday, February 23, 2018

Keeping it organized!

Today, there are many different ways to get organized in your scrapping space. Although, it is never easy keeping it that way. Once you get those creative juices going, it is hard to stop and put things back where they belong so you can find them again, that dreaded run away tape runner for example. but by using tips and tricks in this article, and staying on top of the mess you will have a simple yet effective work space.
Most of the time we don't want to pick up our mess once we are done with a project, but when you have fun totes, bins and cases, it makes it a little bit more fun to put your tools away. There are ton of articles that are on the internet about this subject, but here is one that we think is a great place to start.
Scrapbooking Organization

Friday, February 16, 2018

Keep Those Valentine's

Every year, your precious little ones bring home valentines from their school friends. But what do you do with them? Make a small book with all of the sweet notes in it! By doing this your little one will be able to go back year after year and see the valentines from their friends.

It is very simple to assemble a small book and even could use scraps of what you have laying around. The simplicity of what you see it an amazing work of art to your child. If you want, you could make this a project with your child.

There is a link posted below to walk you threw how to layout the books and and some ideas on how to decorate the outside. Trust me your children will love this!

Mini Memory Scrapbook

Friday, February 9, 2018

Our first Blog post

Hello and Welcome to our Full of Scrap blog! We are so glad you are here. Full of scrap is here show give you tips and tricks for scrap booking. While we have many scrappers that craft traditionally, we are also here to show off some of the new technology in scrap booking!
If there is something that you would like to know more about, let us know and we will try to give you as much information we can. Maybe even a blog post to help you out.
We hope to be able to meet you in-store, otherwise we look forward to sharing our knowledge and new product and ideas with you!